Disappointing Light
(2022, ongoing project)
Disappointing Light is a collection of images from various cities and the spaces in between.
These photographs are an emotional response to a state of real and psychological instability,
of an unease ingrained in the fabric of contemporary Turkish society.
It conveys a sense of the collective experience of millions of people unsure of their future,
merely surviving rather than living. This has been heightened by the quiet strength of the
community's resilience in the face of a recent tragic natural disaster. As we witness the
struggles of others, we are then reminded of our common humanity.
Using the light in the land as a metaphor, this series draws attention to the disappointment felt
in society, prompting us to reflect on whether the horizon of this land is shrouded in hope or
uncertainty. In a place where even extraordinary events can be normalized, it raises questions
about underlying inequalities.